jueves, 12 de diciembre de 2013

Exposición de grabado y obra gráfica

Exposición con obra gráfica "Parallel Lines " de artístas gráficos italianos y serbios. Del 9 diciembre de 2013 al 20 de diciembre de 2013.

Modern Art Gallery Likovni susret
Park Ferenca Rajhla 5
Subotica, Serbia
T +381 (0) 24 553 725
Horario: Monday and Saturday from 8 am to 12 am, Tuesday to Friday from 8 am to 6 pm, closed on Sundays

Reseña: The exhibition was created as a collaboration of the Center for the Graphic Art in Belgrade and the International Centre for the art Graphics KAUS Urbino ( Italy ) . President of the International Center for Graphic Art KAUS Giuliano Santini is selector and juror for this exhibition. Three graphic artists from Serbia, Daniela Fulgosi , Dimitrije Pecić and Jelena Sredanović , has exhibited in several cities in Italy ( Rome , Vercelli and Fano ) . At the end of October 2013th The opening of the exhibition at the Centre for graphics in Belgrade where, in addition to our graphic artist presented the three authors from Italy , Alessandro Fornaci, Roberto Gianinetti  and Giovanni Piccinni.

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